I collect these fantastic book-like magazines from the UK and have a couple of duplicates. Each is like a paperback book with a spine, sort of like Readers Digest in the old days, but more pages and smaller.
This edition includes an account of Scotland's last stagecoachman...across the South Downs on horseback...the wildest inhabited spot in England...fishing villages of the Firth of Forth...plus much more and lots of poems, black and white drawings and woodcuts, practical info on country living, birdwatching, and some very fine photojournalism. I want to live in this world. 208 pages. $3 plus post.
The Countryman: Summer 1974
Another duplicate! Sorry the cover is loose on this one. 208 pages of good stuff! You'll see why I collect these. This one has a black and white photo essay of gypsy wagons. $3 plus post.
Gift from a Sheep:
The Story of How Wool Is Made
by Alberta and Nicole Eiseman
Hardcover, beautifully illustrated, 52 pages
A great book! A teen-ish girl learns from her neighbor's sheep and wool operation, learning to wash wool, card, spin and knit as she goes, right up to entering one of her creations in the fair! And she raises a lamb, too. Includes instructions for knitting her prizewinner. Perfect condition. $5 plus post.
Give a Goat
by Jan West Schrock
Hardcover, Tillbury House, full color, illustrated
Another one of those books that just looks like it is for children. A fifth grade class gets carried away on a rainy afternoon. Carried halfway around the world, where they learn what the gift of a goat can mean to a family in the Third World. Have you heard of the Heifer Project? Here it is in action, with goats. This was a review copy so it will be sent FREE to anyone who spends $20 on other books from this section of the sale.
Great American Farm Tractors: John Deere, Farmall and Ford
Text by Robert Pripps, Photos by Andrew Morland
Hardcover "coffee table" book, 382 pages, in perfect dust jacket, 1998
This is what a tractor is supposed to look like! Re-live the grand glory days of American tractors in stunning photos. These vintage survivors have been restored, preserved, polished and prepped! Stunning photos in great scenery of the American midwest (Wisconsin, I think). I love this book. I learned to drive on one like the cover photo... $12 plus post.
The James Way:
A book showing how to build and equip a practical up to date dairy barn
Published in 1919 by the James Manufacturing Company of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
Hardcover, used (obviously), 334 pages
Everything you could ever think of about every piece of equipment that goes into running a dairy and everything about cows. Even weathervanes! This is an amazing book--part catalog of equipment, part yearbook of the dairy industry, part political commentary! You have to see it to believe it. $10 plus post
Le Charolais
by Daniel Meiller and Paul Vannier
259 pages, soft cover, oversized "coffee table book"
I've never seen such a lavish book about a breed of anything (except maybe Arabian horses--and only maybe!) This book is in French but it doesn't matter since it is mostly photos and the photos are amazing. Here's the history and the state of the world's Charolais cattle in a beautifully designed book meant for the coffee tables of cattle ranches all over the world. Wow, is all I can say. The corners are a little bent. Like the cattle, you know this is the real deal. You will love it. One of the most impressive books to ever pass through this office. $60 plus post
by R.B. Robertson
Hardcover, Knopf, 1957, first edition
Everything you always wanted to know about sheep, shepherds, sheep dogs, Scottish countryside, cooking lamb and mutton, and where your Harris Tweed jacket spent its early years. A fantastic classic of a book with a solid but sometimes humorous eye on Scotland and its wonderful people who have turned sheep into a lifestyle and industry and influence the world in many ways that you wouldn't think would involve sheep at all! You will love this book, especially the discussion on whether sheep dogs are intelligent or not! Very good condition, with dust jacket that has shelfwear on edges. Well worth a read; if you've never been to Scotland you will think you have been after reading this book. $10 plus post
by Robert F. Ensminger
Softcover, Johns Hopkins University Press, Second Edition, 2003, 348 pages, slightly used
Robert Ensminger provides the first comprehensive study of an important piece of American vernacular architecture -- the forebay bank barn, better known as the Pennsylvania barn or the Pennsylvania German barn. Diligent fieldwork and archival research into the origins, evolution, and distribution in North America of this significant agricultural structure. Will appeal to students and scholars and general readers alike. This copy is lightly used. It is absolutely full of information and great photos! $5 plus post.
The Running Foxes (novel)
by Joyce Stranger
Hardcover, Viking Press, 1966, 152 pages.
This is a used copy without a dust jacket, so it doesn't look like the photo. The cloth cover of this novel does have a fox head embossed into it, though.
From a review: "The penetrating cold and damp of the morning mist on the hills and the warm, smoky camaraderie of the local pub are almost tangible in The Running Foxes. This simple but magical world is populated by a cast of gruff but good-hearted old men whose lives revolve around animals both for work and recreation and who I thoroughly enjoyed following as they hunted over the fells, made bets or came to terms with their loneliness.
"I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a book which managed to address foxhunting in quite such a balanced way. The author admires the foxes for their cunning and trickery, but also admires the men for their dedication to their animals, their country skills and the sense of community that the hunt brings. Both fox and man seem to enjoy the thrill of the chase. Of course, it helps that there are no fox killings in the book, but nonetheless it was refreshing to read something which is able to see both points of view and present them alongside one another."
There you have it. The book is illustrated with wood or linoleum cuts by David Rooks that are stunning. There's a weasel, too. $5 plus post.
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